Frequently Asked Questions
What questions can I ask?
Whatever you want! There is no question too big or too small. Whether it's how to hire a great team, creating systems, marketing strategies and more. I'll always share my insight on what's worked for me and my clients in the past and other members will share theirs as well too.
What else will I learn/get in the mentorship?
Networking opportunities, referrals and more. Being a part of this mentorship and getting to connect with people from different industries is invaluable. You never know what your next connection will do for your business. If you're looking for a certain service, software etc. myself and other members are happy to refer you to ones that have worked well for us in the past.
Can I offer my services to the group?
At this point no, we are not accepting new approved vendors. Self-promotion will get you banned from the group.
Is there a course?
There is no course component to this mentorship it's strictly consulting style Q&A.
I submitted an application will it be accepted?
I won't be accepting everyone who applies. I'm looking for motivated high performers that want to scale their businesses and be a part of a dope ass community. If you're not serious about that, won't be a positive addition, or don't meet those standards your application will be denied. Feel free to reapply if things change in the future though.
Can my membership be revoked?
100% - Do I look like someone who's going to tolerate some bullshit? Didn't think so. If you don't treat people with respect, don't add value to the group, self-promote, share information, or any other shady stuff - you're out. And you won't be let back in.
What's the cost?
$147 USD per month. That's INSANE for the amount of value you will get. Remember, to work with me 1-1 STARTS at 10k per month, so this is a steal.
Can I cancel?
Yep! If you're not loving it then just let us know and we'll cancel your subscription. There are NO refunds, you'll retain access for the remainder of the month and be removed when your billing cycle is over.
If I am accepted can I add my team as well?
As a rule we do not allow you to add additional team members in for one membership fee. We're happy to offer a discounted rate for any team members you would like to add in addition to yourself.